Thursday, August 7, 2014


Hello and welcome.  We're glad you'll be joining us.  In the following post you will find descriptions,  photos and color charts to help you with your choices of what to bring tomorrow for the GUN SHOP & COOPER'S PARTY on Friday, 8/8

Just a couple of housekeeping items to begin with......

-Please, be on time.  You will be checked in by the AD Department and fill out paperwork before we can look at you.  If you are late then the Costume Department does not get as much time to make sure you look great.  You are gonna be on TV after all..... just sayin'   :-)

-Always come dressed in your first, best choice of the descriptions for your character.   After reading the character descriptions that you will find here, make your best pick and wear it in.  However, you will ALWAYS be expected to bring options with you so that we can make the final choices.  The final choices will be made by the Costume Dept.  Please respect that we have the overview of the day and the show, and do not complain about what we ask you to wear.

-We could shoot rain or everyone should bring a solid, dark colored umbrella, if you have it. Black, navy, grey, dark green, burgundy, etc.  A two-toned golf umbrella would probably also be ok, too.  Also, make sure that one of your light weight jackets is a rain slicker/jacket of some kind, in the color palette.


THIS STORY TAKES PLACE IN THE WINTER, LEADING UP TO CHRISTMAS.  In the current episode we are playing a warm, Southern Winter.  We are going to dress you as you would dress for the fall.

Light layering will be the key to making this work look.  It is what we're doing with the principle actors, and as you know, what they do, you do too.

There will not be a lot of bright color in this show, except in certain instances which we will inform you about.

The following color chart is a good indication of the tone of the show and general colors.  As you can see there is nothing too bright or bold.  You do not need to "match" these colors exactly, just use this as a guide for tone, brightness, etc.

Do not bring us all black or grey clothing, please.  Much of our show is shot in the daylight hours.  Too much black tends to feel like the evening, and it is harder to distinguish detail with black, so it simply becomes a hole in the screen. 

The scene in the Gun Shop will have some of our principles looking at guns and you guys as customers doing the same.  There will also be some employees.  Not to be too stereotypical, but this should be a little "back woods," for lack of a better word.

GUN SHOP EMPLOYEES & CUSTOMERS should wear and bring options of the following:
long sleeve flannel shirts in denim, plaid, etc
long sleeve solid color tees without logos
long sleeve waffle weave shirts / thermal underwear type shirts
jeans, cargo pants, cords
light weight jackets, jean jackets, hunting type vests (NOT the neon orange ones!!!)
boots and shoes that work with your clothing choices
hats and caps without logos

This is a 21st Birthday party for Cooper's older brother.  So there will be a mix of different kinds of folks here.  The most important thing is to bring the clothing of who you are.  If you are a prep, then bring those clothes, if you are a musician then bring those clothes.  We will still want everyone to bring options of clothing so that we can make choices, but we want you to be who you are.  It just works better that way.  

It is a party, so it should be fun, weekend clothes, but nothing too trashy.

This is network television so we cannot have logos or graphics or Greek letters because of clearance issues.

COLLEGE KIDS AND KISSING COUPLES should wear and bring options of the following:
light weight jackets, denim jackets, leather jackets and hoodies
long sleeve button front and pullover shirts and blouses
tees and tanks for layering
pullover sweaters, zip fronts and cardigans
jeans, khakis, cargo pants, cords
little dresses, skirts and tops
caps and hats without logos
shoes, boots, sneakers and other closed toe footwear that works with your clothing choices

BEER PONG BABES have been told what you may be asked to do.  Please bring options of all the 
things above, but make sure to include sexy bras and tops that are easily lifted.

We look forward to meeting all of you.  Pack a bag with plenty of stuff and we will.............
See you on the set!

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